Isn’t the time between Christmas and Spring such a strange time for decorating? Like, how exactly are you supposed to decorate for the months of January and February? All of your Christmas and holiday decor is down, your house is looking bare, but it’s still too early to introduce spring florals just yet. We’ve all been there. But over the past few years, I have honed in on what exactly January and February decor should look like. And today I’m so excited to share some tips for decorating after Christmas, but before spring. Plus, a few affordable decor pieces to help transition from holiday!

Tips for Decorating After Christmas | Musings by Madison, Home + Interior Design Blog

Outfit details: White button down, Sweater vest (c/o Petal & Pup), Denim


The thing I love most about getting our home back in shape after the holiday craziness is that it isn’t necessarily about adding more, but simplifying what you have. When undecorating for Christmas, it’s a great time to clean, purge, organize and start with a fresh canvas. The challenge is being able to keep that cozy factor without making your surroundings too stark in the process. So, keep reading for more tips for decorating after Christmas.


Personally, I don’t go too crazy with Christmas-specific decor. I prefer to use all-season decor and add holiday touches from season to season. Not only does it save on storage space, it keeps seasonal decor more affordable. And you don’t have to re-decorate your entire home once the season has ended. Instead, you can make a few alterations. Think of the bowls, vases, baskets, etc. in your home. Adding to them for the holidays and then removing the seasonal touches is way easier than bringing in an army of Nutcrackers, Santa’s sleigh and the entire North Pole, right? The Christmas tree set-up, garland, bows, and wreaths are all time/labor intensive enough!

So, honor the classics. Invest in versatile pieces in colors you love to see in your home all-year round. Unsurprising for me, this color combo is blue and white. And lots of greenery. 

NO. 3 - keep it clean + cozy

I always love decorating with white but especially during these post-holiday winter months! There is something about decorating with neutrals that help you feel clear-minded, cozy, and clean. I picked up a couple new throw pillows and vases from Kirkland’s to swap out my plaid/holiday pillows. And changed out my holiday greenery with some olive branches, which I love to use year round. These are also from Kirkland’s (I found them in-store, but not online!).

Tips for Decorating After Christmas | Musings by Madison, Home + Interior Design Blog
Tips for Decorating After Christmas | Musings by Madison, Home + Interior Design Blog


Now that we’ve successfully transitioned our surroundings from Christmas to post-holiday, I’m ready to continue organizing and tackling all of my New Year goals! So, will you be trying any of my tips for decorating after Christmas but before spring? Share in the comments below!

Musings by Madison is a lifestyle blog written by Madison Clevenstine. Dedicated to classic style, beauty, home decor, and travel. Rooted in passion for inspiring and encouraging others to create a home, life, + closet they love. For more content, visit my shop page or connect with me on social!