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Do you hit snooze over-and-over again in the mornings, like me? (My husband used to hate it lol but now he just knows to expect it!) I’ve always been somewhat of a night owl, but lately the “I’m so tired” and “There just aren’t enough hours in the day” feel like phrases that have become my motto. With work picking up, the wedding being only a few weeks away, my never ending to-do list and everything in between, I have been running (read: sprinting) from task-to-task and staying up later than usual – making me feel, well, lethargic these days… 

After doing some research and putting a few things to the test, I have been waking up with a little more pep in my step these days. Now I’m not saying I jump out of bed at 6am everyday… although that would be nice, but I just wanted to do something to create a happier start to my day. Sound like you?

So, I’m sharing 3 ways to have a better morning in order to feel more rested and productive during the day!

The Pajamas I wear on Repeat | Musings by Madison - Fashion Blog

No. 1 - Soak Up The Morning Sun

The teenager in me will always love black-out curtains and sleeping in, well, pretty much a dungeon, for lack of a better word. But, over the past three weeks, I’ve been forgoing shutting the blinds completely at night and letting the sunshine wake me up in the mornings. 

Research shows that a little light may be all we need to reset the body block. Is it sometimes blinding? Yes. Does it work? YES! I have found myself waking up before my alarm has even gone off…which is definitely unusual for me! Plus, the vitamin C on your face first thing is one of the best ways to have a better morning!

No. 2 - Power Down

Just like morning light can wake you up, the blue light emitted from electronics, like laptops and phones, have been proven to keep you up and disturb sleep. This light will throw your circadian rhythm (your body’s biological clock) completely out-of-whack and make it harder for you to fall asleep at night. So, powering down and staying away from all electronics, tv, or your phone an hour to 30 minutes before bed will ensure a good night’s sleep and “force” your body into thinking it’s bedtime.  

This is the hardest one for me to stick to, but I’ve been putting my phone on “sleep mode” and turning it face down so I don’t hear or see the alerts and feel tempted to check my phone! I’ve been doing this about 30 minutes before bed to let myself actually get sleepy and wind-down. So far so good – I can confidently say that my phone is definitely a culprit in stealing some ways for me to have a better morning!

The Pajamas I Wear On Repeat | Musings by Madison - A Fashion + Lifestyle Blog

No. 3 - Motivate Yourself

What motivates me most mornings? I think about that warm cup of coffee I’m about to enjoy! There’s honestly nothing I look forward to more than that first sip of coffee in the morning. The smell alone is enough to get me out of bed y’all – that’s how much I love it! What motivates you in the morning? Having something that gives you energy to get out of bed can make such a difference! Maybe it’s looking forward to those snuggles with your pup, working out, practicing a little “me time” or meditating, or even setting your goals for the day. Whatever it is, I have found that this small change each morning has totally transformed my entire day and gives me the kick I need to get out of bed. 

So, now that you’ve read my 3 ways to have a better morning, what do you think? Do you have any tips on how to wake up easier, with more energy, and happier? Leave them below! I’d love to read your ways to have a better morning!